Should Women Be More Vicious?

Karina Pawlak
6 min readJun 1, 2024
Holding No Punches. 2024. Karina + NightCafe

Men commit about 75 percent of violent crimes.

Why are men more violent than women? Theories abound. Some studies suggest that differences in brain structure may play a role in making men more prone to violence. Higher testosterone has shown to make men who are already predisposed to violence, more violent. Sociological theories of violence postulate that violence is learned.

Or perhaps men are more violent simply because they are bigger and stronger? It is a take I heard here and there over the years. The hypothesis for it goes something like this: All humans are prone to violence. Those who are bigger know they can succeed in physically subduing another. So because they know they are stronger and less likely to be opposed, they are more likely to give into their violent inclinations. In other words, they do violence because they can.

But if the above hypothesis were true, wouldn’t smaller men be afraid of bigger women? Some may argue that they are. But is that really true? Do smaller men check the back of their car before getting in to make sure a big woman is not there ready to assault them?

There is something more about men than simply their size that makes them more prone to violence. Although I am sure size adds confidence.

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