Instinctive Fear Vs Emotional Fear. Prescience Vs Paranoia. How To Tell The Difference
Have you ever had a bad feeling about something and wondered whether you are indeed sensing trouble or just overthinking and being paranoid?
Is he lying to me or am I being mistrustful due to past experiences?
Is she planning on stealing from me or am I judging her on her appearance?
Is this man on the bus dangerous or have I watched too many crime films?
Is this boat trip a bad idea or am I just scared to try something new?
I have a bad feeling about this surgery although my doctor recommends it. Has reading about rare mishaps prejudiced me against a standard procedure? Or am I picking up on some incongruity?
Instinctive Fear
Instinctive fear is a punch in the gut and a spur to action. It is clear and swift. It is a command from within that says “Get out of here!” It is the force that moves your hand to put down the drink and leave the bar.
It is the formation of an instant tunnel to the specific knowledge you need to avoid harm to yourself or others. Instant understanding occurs.