Everybody is AI Writing… Keying in Prompts like Lightning

Karina Pawlak
4 min readMar 6, 2024
What in the prehistoric tapestry of saber-toothed tigers is going on around here? Karina + StarryAI. Created unintentionally while trying to create something else.

Leaving AI comments is cute until you call the tragic death of someone’s pet an “inspiration.”

The cringe some of you unleash is truly nauseating and ought to be illegal. How lazy do you have to be to not even read the AI generated comment before you post?

This reminds me of working in a nightclub. Anyone who worked in a loud club for a while will attest to at least once fake listening to a customer. Some of us got really good at fake listening. We sensed the right moment to insert a “wow” or a “really?”

But sometimes it went wrong. A waitress told me how she smiled and nodded and “wowed” a customer who was explaining his tragic industrial accident. She realized it when he held up his bandaged hand. Apparently he lost a finger. I don’t remember which one. Hopefully it wasn’t the middle one. She apologized and bought him a drink.

Will you apologize if you leave someone a ridiculing comment?

Never Invite these two to your house. They will drink all your booze than ask to use your bedroom. They will insist you join them and say “oh come on…” when you refuse. Karina + StarryAI. Unintentionally created.

Do you know that part in the first sentence of this story where I called leaving an AI comment “cute”? That was sarcasm.

