Are You Using Your Spiritual Growth As An Excuse To Let A Toxic Person Back In?

Karina Pawlak
5 min readOct 22, 2023
Blond Buffy and Fluffy. 2023. Karina + Starry AI

When you grow and become a higher version of yourself the universe responds to you differently. Right? Right.

When you are a higher version of yourself you elicit a different response from the universe. Right? Right.

When you are a higher version of yourself you elicit a different response from other people. Right? Right.

So, when you are a higher version of yourself you consequently elicit a different version of that one specific person? Right? Riiiiight.

So I can get back together with my ex and it will be different this time because I am vibing higher, right? I am different so they will have to treat me differently. Right? Yesterday I thought about them and they called and it was a synchronicity and they wouldn’t have called if they weren’t vibing on a matching frequency because Law of Attraction, duh, so I am going to call them obviously this is a sign…

This is Whoa Cat. He appears when your thinking goes off the rails. Whoa Cat. 2023. Karina + Starry AI

Well, in principle this is true.

The world and the people in it respond to you based on the conglomerate of things that you are right now at the moment: The…

